Jan 29, 2025
NHS Blood Drive Feb. 5th
Please consider signing up to give blood at the Opera House Wed Feb 5th. We have morning & afternoon appts available. Contact johnsonka@essex.k12.ia.us to set up an appointment.
Jan 29, 2025
Please consider signing up to give blood at the Opera House Wed Feb 5th. We have morning & afternoon appts available. Contact johnsonka@essex.k12.ia.us to set up an appointment.
Dec 17, 2024
Essex Seniors were presented with the Carrie Chapman Catt Award for having 100% voter registration. The award was presented by Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate and students also met State Senator Tom Shipley and County Auditor Cindy Vanfosson. Great job Trojans and Trojanettes!
Aug 28, 2024
Essex Community Schools is excited to share that we have received the Farm to Table grant for yet another year.Through partnerships and collaborative efforts, the program facilitates relationships between schools, food hubs and farmers. Thank you to our Food Service Director Stephanie Sholes for applying for the grant and putting in all the hard work to make this happen. For more information please see the link below: https://www.iowafarmtoschoolearlycare.org/lfs
Feb 28, 2024
Last week was a great week for the Essex FFA Chapter celebrating National FFA Week. On Tuesday students and staff dressed like a farmer; Wednesday was Drive Your Tractor to School Day; Thursday people dug out their favorite hat for Pay a $1 to Wear a Hat Day; and Friday people showed their FFA pride by wearing Blue and Gold. The Chapter also sponsored a Farmer Appreciation Breakfast Saturday morning. Pictured are, from left Front row: Kylie Valdez, Addy Resh, Taylor Haynie, Tony Racine, Lydia Edwards, Mariska Kirchert . . .
Feb 26, 2024
Essex High School students that competed in the individual speech contest Saturday, Feb. 17 were, from left: Bella Simmons, interpretive prose; Lydia Edwards, storytelling; Aila Valdez, storytelling; and Ashon Kline, interpretive poetry. Kline advanced to the state competition with his entry. The students are coached by Marty Mason. Photo by Marty Mason 2024 Large Group Speech State Qualifiers from Essex in Radio Broadcasting were, from left: back row, Bella . . .
Jan 24, 2024
Congratulations to all of the students who made Honor 1st Semester. Your hard work and dedication paid off! High Honor Roll # Name Grade 1 Green, William 6 2 Edwards, Lydia 10 3 Resh, Jonathon 12 4 Racine, Anthony 12 Honor Roll . . .
Nov 16, 2023
Kirsten Kalkas was selected to represent Essex for the Iowa Cheer Honor Squad. The Iowa Cheerleading Coaches’ Association and the Iowa High School Athletic Association are proud to sponsor the Iowa Cheer Honor Squad. This squad will perform at the half time of the two Iowa High School Football Championship Games on Friday, November 17, 2023. There will be almost 250 cheerleaders participating in this event, representing ICCA member schools throughout Iowa. Participants must be a junior or senior cheering on a varsity . . .
Nov 14, 2023
Along with 72,000 other people, Essex FFA Officers (from left to right) Mariska Kirchert, Tony Racine, Addy Resh, and Lydia Edwards traveled to Indianapolis for the 96th National FFA Convention and Expo that was held from November 1-4. During their time there our officers were able to network, explore careers in agriculture, hear from keynote speakers, and learn new skills to help them grow into the next future leaders of America! The Essex FFA Chapter Sponsor is Rebecca Sampers.
Nov 14, 2023
Essex High School held its annual National Honor Society Induction Ceremony Thursday, Nov. 9, in Trojan Hall. Existing members Tony Racine, Brooke Burns and Tori Burns welcomed new members Bradley Franks, Cynthia Swain, and Lydia Edwards. The EHS NHS Chapter is under the advisement of Kathleen Johnson. (Photo provided)
Nov 7, 2023
Please join us for our annual Veterans Day Assembly in the Allen Stuart Gymnasuim at 9:30 AM. The assembly is hosted by Mr.Schuster and the Junior class.
Nov 1, 2023
Cindy Swain earned Academic All State Volleyball recognition from the Iowa Athletic Association. Congratulations Cindy! Tori Burns made second team for the Corner Conference all-conference volleyball teams. Congratulations Tori!
Nov 1, 2023
At the October 19th Cross Country qualifying meet Tony Racine placed 15th earning him a spot at the State meet. Students sent Tony off with a pep rally on Friday October 20th. At the state meet on October 27th Tony told Herald Sports that it was an amazing race. "It has always been a dream to go to state...to be that one kid that couldn't even finish a mile to now be competing at state." Ella Sandahl placed 16th at the qualifying meet just missing the cutoff to head to state. Isaiah Sholes . . .
Apr 17, 2023
The Essex Juniors planned the 2023 Prom this year in a Rustic Romance style and it was a huge success! Prom goers were treated to a gourmet meal prepared by our own Chef Alex and Mrs. Sholes with choices of ribeyes, bacon wrapped chicken, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes, smoked mac and cheese, and for dessert cherry cheesecake or chocolate mousse! This delicious meal was served in the beautifully decorated new Opera House downtown which was recently renovated; and in fact was the first event held in the . . .
Apr 12, 2023
The High School Student Council traveled to Des Moines on Wednesday April 5th to visit the State Capital and Terrace Hill (Governor's Mansion). They were able to witness the legislature in session and get tours of both buildings. Members in attendance were Bradley Franks, Alex King, Brianne Johnson, Johnny Resh, & Addy Resh along with their chaperones Brenna Craig and Kathleen Johnson.
Mar 13, 2023
Three Essex High School students were recently recognized by the United States Air Force for their outstanding results on the ASVAB tests. Seniors Olivia Baker and Brianne Johnson, and junior Cynthia Swain all achieved above-average scores and were recognized by USAF Recruiter SSgt Jessica Montano of the 343rd RCS Air Force Recruiting Service. The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test is a nationally recognized test used by the US Department of Defense in grades 10 and above to measure . . .
Mar 13, 2023
Congratulations to these Essex athletes who have achieved area basketball honors: Tony Racine - Corner Conference Basketball 2nd team! Brianne Johnson - 2nd Team All-Express Team! Brooke Burns - All-Express Team- Honorable Mention! Qwintyn Vanatta and Brooke Burns - Corner Conference Honorable Mention and SW Iowa Herald Winter Sports All-Area Second Team! KMAland Corner Conference All Junior Award- Brooke Burns, Kaden Peeler, Tony Racine, & Qwintyn Vanatta! KMAland Corner . . .
Mar 3, 2023
This week we celebrated Read Across America Week! Students participated in dress up days, special treats for Dr.Suess' birthday and a book mark contest. We always end this fun week with secondary reading to the elementary in the gym followed by donuts. Thank you to McDonalds in Shenandoah for donating the drinks and Bank Iowa for donating the Donut Stop donuts!
Mar 3, 2023
Essex High School held a ceremony to induct new members Wednesday evening. National Honor Society members are selected based on 4 pillars; Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. Mrs. Tammy Johnson addressed the students in the ceremony and the Study and Service Club provided refreshments. Pictured are Mrs. Johnson, current member Olivia Baker, new inductees Tony Racine, Brooke Burns, Tori Burns, and current member Brianne Johnson.
Feb 27, 2023
The Essex FFA Chapter celebrated National FFA Week with many activities and events for the student body. To kick off the week the members organized a dodgeball tournament and they drove their tractors to school on Tuesday. Special snacks were prepared for the staff and media announcements of the officers were posted as well. The chapter is sponsored by Mrs. Rebekah Sampers. Thanks for the fun week!
Feb 15, 2023
The High School Student Council completed their service day this month by deep cleaning and organizing the East Gym and both basements at the main school. They made a huge difference and we are grateful for their contribution to keeping our school beautiful! Members of the council are Brianne Johnson, Olivia Baker, Alex King, John Staley, Johnny Resh, Bradley Franks, Mariska Kirchert and Addy Resh. Their sponsors are Kathleen Johnson and Brenna Craig.
Feb 11, 2023
The High School Chemistry class celebrated National Periodic Table day last week by creating their own periodic tables using items of their choice to categorize as a class assignment. They displayed their creativity in Trojan Hall for the public to see. Members of the class include Seniors Nat Taylor, Matt Givens, Olivia Baker, Clara Showalter, and Juniors Tori Burns, Brooke Burns, Kyndra Gray, Cindy Swain, Alex King, Christian Johnson, Bradley Franks, Tony Racine, & Johnny Resh.
Feb 6, 2023
The Makerspace tech group led by Martha Sunderman has spent the last two Fridays exploring the school and seeing things in a new light. "This week we were practicing with light, shutter speed, and aperture. We created still life displays to practice and did some photographing in the gym for action shots. We also did some experimenting with stop-action video and green screen." The featured photos come from students Aila Valdez. Kira Green and Emmett Green.
Jan 31, 2023
Congratulations to all of our 6-12th grade students who made Bronze, Silver and Gold Honor Roll 1st semester of the 2022/2023 school year! Bronze: Jersey Bowers, Jesse Johnson-Wityk, Benjamin King, Brody Kirchirt, Garrett Harris, Payton Taylor, Damien Aradanas, Isabella Donnelly, Riley King, Jacelyn Huntley, Haillee Kievit, Haleigh Olson, Adriana Resh, Kylie Valdez , Hunter Steinhoff, Bradley Franks, Christian Johnson, Qwintyn Vanatta, Olivia Baker, Victoria Sample, Natalie Taylor. Silver: Clayton Deihl, Piper . . .
Jan 25, 2023
Essex varsity cheerleaders Olivia Baker and Kirsten Kalkas were both selected to the 2023 Iowa Shrine Bowl All-Star Cheerleading Team after being nominated by their coach Mary Ohnmacht. The Iowa Shrine Bowl All-Star Cheer Squad is made up of the best cheerleaders in the state of Iowa. Olivia was chosen to be on the ICCA All-Star Squad that will perform at the Basketball All-Star Tournament in March. The All-Star committee selected its team based off of try out videos and coaches recommendations. Seniors with similar . . .
Jan 25, 2023
Essex Espresso is a student council ran coffee shop in Trojan Hall. Outside patrons can now order Starbucks style drinks from 7:30-7:55 AM. Public hours are for GRAB AND GO ONLY due to school security. Please order by 7:55 and exit the building by 8:00. We appreciate all your cooperation!
Jan 23, 2023
Essex Community Schools is excited to announce we now have our own FFA chapter. The chapter will be led by sponsor Rebekah Sampers who works at Essex CSD as the Ag Farm teacher and has had a huge hand in running the farm school. Check out Essex FFA on Facebook for updates on everything the group will be doing!
Jan 11, 2023
Essex Senior boys and girls basketball, cheer, and band members were honored Monday evening between the varsity basketball games vs. Diagonal. Pictured is Band member Natalie Taylor, Mike Johnson, Girls Basketball player and Band member Brianne Johnson, Kathleen Johnson, Don Baker, Girls Basketball player, Band member and Cheerleader Olivia Baker, Meredith Baker, Caleb Robinette, Boys Basketball player Jacob Robinette, Stephanie Robinette, Chris Staley, Boys Basketball player Jonathan Staley, and Mindy Staley.
Dec 16, 2022
The Essex High School Student Council recently completed another one of their monthly service days by preparing Christmas goodie trays and volunteering at the Food Pantry. After putting the trays together, they delivered them to businesses and supporters of the school in appreciation for all they have given us. We are very thankful for the community support! The second half of the day they volunteered at the Shenandoah Food Pantry where they helped with recycling and restocking the shelves. Previously . . .
Dec 16, 2022
The Essex Education Foundation represented by Tim Johnson awarded their spring grants to several Essex teachers Friday afternoon. Recipients included Brenna Craig who was awarded $1390 for new white board tables and chairs, Amy Resh who received $275 for Makerspace tools, Rachel Cabeen who received $300 for instrument repairs and purchases, and Kimberly Peterson received $2078 to expand upon the school based enterprise and $800 for elementary books for the library. Congratulations to all the recipients and thank you to all the . . .
Dec 13, 2022
Essex students and staff were treated to a special Christmas Feast on Monday, December 12th. The menu included shrimp scampi, crab cakes, steak pasta, fruit, salad, rolls, and cannoli for dessert! We appreciate all the hard work Mrs. Sholes, Chef Alex, and the culinary students put in to make this meal possible. It was delicious and enjoyed by all!
Dec 9, 2022
The Junior High Corner Conference Science Fair was held in Hamburg on November 22nd. There were 21 Junior High students attending with their instructor Mrs. Cynthia Fischer. Essex had several winners including the Grand Champion! Rhys Chambers earned that title with his project testing the amount of electrolytes in sports drinks. He also earned 1st place in the Consumer Science division. Great job Rhys! Aila Valdez earned 2nd place in the Physical Science division. Ella Sandahl earned 3rd place and Payton . . .
Dec 7, 2022
The Essex Junior American History under the direction of Steve Schuster planned their annual Veteran's Day Assembly honoring area veteran's. This year the assembly included honoring two of our own teachers. Mr. Curtis Sloop was awarded the Quilt of Valor for his service in the US Army. Mr. Steve Schuster was awarded the Quilt of Honor for sharing his love of veterans with students through his class. The assembly included band and choir performances, a soloist, a special flag folding demonstration, and video prepared by the . . .
Nov 8, 2022
Congratulations to Cindy Swain for being selected to the KMA Sports 2022 Volleyball Corner Conference All Junior team and to Addy Resh for selection to the All Freshman team! Congratulations to Olivia Baker and Brianne Johnson for the Academic All State award! Congratulations to Brooke Burns on making honorable mention for the Corner Conference team! Great job girls!
Oct 27, 2022
The Essex High School Student Council recently traveled to Council Bluffs to complete their first Service Day of the year. The Council members have committed to give back by volunteering at various non profit organizations throughout the school year. The first day included volunteering at the Midland Humane Society in Council Bluffs. They also took a tour of the Council Bluffs Police Station and received valuable information to help plan an upcoming school Safety Workshop they will be providing for the Middle and High School . . .
Oct 24, 2022
The farm school at Essex Community School has been a long time passion of superintendent Mike Wells. With the help of Ag teacher Rebekah Sampers students have the ability to help raise and tend to goats, chickens and soon many other animals. The Essex farm school was featured in an article by Nick Johansen for The Red Oak Express. To read the full article click the link below. Hands-on learning at Essex Farm School
Oct 24, 2022
The Essex volleyball program owned the early 1990s in KMAland. The 1991 and 1992 squads qualified for the state tournament and combined for an incredible 68-2-4 record with their only two losses coming in the state semifinals. “(They) worked extremely hard,” former Essex coach Angel Melendez said on behalf of the team. “Coaches say that all the time, and I think (assistant coach) Dan Cox can attest to it. We worked extremely hard every day. We never opened the doors to the gym to get fresh air. We would play in . . .
Oct 12, 2022
Essex students in Ms. Martha Sunderman’s 7th Grade ELA class attended the Plum Creek Children’s Literacy Festival at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska this fall. Students were able to attend presentations by three of the nineteen authors and illustrators present at the festival. The three chosen authors were Jerry Pallotta, Roland Smith, and Jennifer Nielsen. Pallotta’s advice to young writers was to be aware that subject matter is all around them. “I had a dory when I was younger, so I . . .
Oct 3, 2022
Congratulations to our marching Trojans! They marched on Saturday at the Clarinda Band Jamboree parade competition. The middle school received 3rd place and the high school received 12th place over 18 bands in the 1A division.
Sep 23, 2022
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig encourages school-age students to participate in the Choose Iowa Calendar Contest hosted by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. The artwork should feature at least one aspect of Iowa agriculture — food, livestock, crops or renewable fuels. Submissions will be judged on creativity and the ability to connect agriculture to everyday life. Two students were selected from across the state of Iowa from Essex. . . .
Sep 15, 2022
Congratulations to the White Team on their win in the Second Annual Powder Puff game!
Sep 8, 2022
Congratulations to our Essex Homecoming King and Queen Brianne Johnson and Preston Driskell and all the court members! Pictured left to right: Front row: Crownbearers Maelie Ward and Nick Johnson Back row: Freshman Attendants- Riley King and Ashon Kline Sophomore Attendants- Promise Steng and Kaden Buick Junior Attendants- Alex King and Bradley Franks Queen Brianne Johnson, King Preston Driskell Senior Candidates- John Staley, Olivia Baker, Jacob Robinette, and Chloe Edie
Aug 4, 2022
For a complete schedule of events click here: Master Calendar Students please check the Lost and Found cart located in the main entrance often. All items will be removed at the end of each week. Looking for a “Sweet” way to say Happy Valentine's Day? Order a Valentine today! Deliveries will be Wednesday, February 12 th and orders are due by February 10 th. Cost is . . .